lunes, 19 de diciembre de 2011


viernes, 25 de noviembre de 2011

Patterson: Why invest in Haiti

CARICOM Special Representative on Haiti and former Prime Minister of Jamaica P.J. Patterson, in addressing a business seminar of investors from Japan and the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) on Tuesday, November 22, in Pt Spain Trinidad, invited all potential investors to visit Haiti and see for themselves the opportunities which were available. Mr Patterson said that “Investment opportunities in Haiti are limited more by the imagination than by objective attributes or need”.

The Special Representative listed several factors that he said made Haiti ‘ripe’ for investment. Principal among those listed was the existence of a large and under-served population of 10 million, backed by a significant Diaspora and offering low labour rates. Added to this he said was the need to rebuild a significantly devastated economy and also the physical and social infrastructure. Among other key factors listed was the existence of preferential duty-free and quota-free access to key markets such as the United States, the European Union (EU) and CARICOM, facilitated by a range of hemispheric programme and agreements.

Clare Forrester

sábado, 28 de mayo de 2011

Caribpro VI Imports, LLC Transport/Fret

"Caribpro VI Imports, LLC was created to give the ordinary people and small business people striving to build their legacy a new opportunity to source material at the best prices. Taking a look at how cement and steel the two main products in construction have sky racketed and makes it so much more difficult for the ordinary man to build a home. We decided why not stop talking about it and do something to fix it."!/pages/Caribpro-VI-Imports-LLC/188169354567216?sk=info

martes, 24 de mayo de 2011

Spectacle de danse indienne de l'Association APSARA

SAMEDI 4 JUIN, 19h30,
au Grand Carbet du parc Aimé Césaire
avec la participation de Jean-Claude Duverger.
Attention! Les places filent vite! N'oubliez pas de réserver la vôtre pour nous voir danser! 0696 078 302 / 0696 707 578.

miércoles, 23 de febrero de 2011

vuelve a abrir el Bogui Jazz Club

Hoy día 23 de febrero vuelve a abrir sus puertas el Bogui Jazz Club de Madrid después de 28 meses.

Si pasáis por Madrid, el Bogui Jazz Club es visita obligada.

Gracias por la información Chevi (!